Wednesday, February 6, 2013



In light of the film we watched in class called Referendum Take Two, here is an interesting article by Emily Collins highlighting the reasons why Quebec wanted to separate from Canada.
Why does Quebec want to separate?

     The void between the Canadian province of Quebec and all the other provinces popped its head out nearly three decades back. Until 1982, The British North America Act served the purpose of a Constitution for Canada. This had been drafted in 1867 and was used to govern the country through the basic draft and all the amendments. It was in 1982 that a new Canadian Constitution was formulated, and was signed by all but one of the provinces, Quebec. And the province has remained adamant on the separatist demands till date.

    The main reason behind this inhibition of Quebec to gel with the rest of the Canadian provinces is the fact that it is in stark contrast to the overall Canadian culture. Quebec’s culture stands in utter polarity to that of Canada, and this stems from a very strong cultural fabric, i.e., language. A French undercurrent pervades the whole of Quebec, which cannot be said for the rest of Canada. From the street direction signs to the language of communication between people, French is prominent in Quebec, whereas the English language and culture govern the rest of Canada. Quebec’s population has French connections, and this coupled with the common divergence they share from the remaining Canadian provinces results in a caustic sort of patriotism throughout Quebec. The people of Quebec perceive themselves as a French society being forced to undergo an English makeover. Their view is that in order to save their unique cultural heritage and sustain their society, they need to separate out from the influence of the Canadian government.

    Despite the separatist tendencies of the indigenous groups of Quebec, the province uses the Canadian currency and has budding economic relations with many Canadian provinces. Although all the government officials in Quebec are one in their voice for separation, they vary in the fervor their demands carry and the degree of separatism they seek. Whereas a political faction lobbies for absolute separation, there are many who suggest a sovereignty partnership. Till date, Quebec’s incessant attempts at breaking free of the Canadian English influence keep political pans oiled up.

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